
Abordar las necesidades de capacidades y competencias actuales y futuras para la sostenibilidad, la digitalización, y la bioeconomía en la agricultura: agenda y estrategia europeas de capacidades

UNITO - Italy

Università degli Studi di Torino

UNITO, DISAFA Department offers the Agricultural sciences, Science and Food Technology both at bachelor and Master’s Degree. About 2000 students are enrolled in curricula related to the…



Confederazione Generale dell’Agricoltura Italiana

CONFAGRICOLTURA is the organisation that represents the Italian agricultural enterprises (145 000 companies and 222 000 farmers, 367 000 in total). CONFAGRI acknowledges the leading role of…


WUR - Netherlands

Wageningen University

Wageningen University and Research Centre, Mission: To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life; Ambition: To become the most important University in the domain of healthy


ISEKI - Austria

ISEKI-Food Association

European Association for Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain. Independent European non-profit organisation, Platform for Teachers, students, trainers, food..


ICOS - Ireland

Irish Co-operative Organisation Society

Representative Body for the Co-Operative Movement in Ireland. ICOS serves and promotes commercial co-operative businesses and enterprise, across multiple sections of the Irish economy. Collective…


AERES - Netherlands

AERES Barneveld

Aeres offers a variety of activities in the green sector, from education and research programmes to development projects, innovation projects, commercial courses and services. Aeres is contributing…

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

AP - Austria

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges m.b.H.

Founded in 1985 by an initiative of Lower Austrian Councillor responsible for agricultural and environmental affairs, the objective target is to support people during successful realisation of their…

University of Hohenheim

UHOH - Germany

University of Hohenheim

The University of Hohenheim, a Research Center for Bioeconomy, has three faculties: Agricultural Sciences (Sustainable Land-use, Resource Management, Market and Politics and Society); Natural…

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

CERTH - Greece

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) founded in 2000 is one of the leading research centres in Greece and listed among the TOP-20 E.U. research institutions with the highest participation in competitive…

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

ACTIA - France

Association de Coordination Technique pour l’Industrie Agroalimentaire

Dedicated to competitiveness and innovation. Our institutes bring together recognised expertise in all food and agro-industry sectors. Working closely with companies, and SMEs in particular, our…

University of Hohenheim

GAIA - Greece


GAIA EPICHEIREIN was founded in 2014 as a result of a broad coalition between agri-cooperatives and that have teamed up with strategic partners from the IT and banking sector to serve a common vision…

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

CONFAGRI PT - Portugal

Confederação Nacional das Cooperativas Agrícolas and do Crédito Agrícola de Portugal

Founded in October 1985, with the essential purpose of contributing to the balanced and efficient growth and development of the Cooperative Sector and, in particular, of Portuguese Agriculture, the “…

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

SCOOP - Spain


The mission of SCOOP is the promotion, representation and structuring of Spanish agri-food cooperativism, encouraging a cooperative business model, professionalized, with a relevant dimension


University of Hohenheim

GZS - Slovenia

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

GZS – CCIS-CAFE is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, interest group of legal entities. Function in a regional independent manner and in view of our members

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

LVA - Austria

Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt/Food Research Institute

Austria’s leading private institute of food testing (funded in 1927). LVA offers extensive services for the food industry retail and are committed to the highest standards in fulfilling their…

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

ULCM - Spain

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

The goals of Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha are the improvement of the response capacity of the conventional and vocational education & training systems to the necessities of the labor market…

University of Hohenheim

AC3A - France

Association des Chambres d’agriculture de l’Arc Atlantique

AC3A – Association of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Area – is an association which was set up in 1993. Its members are the Chambers of Agriculture from the Atlantic area.

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

FIAB - Spain

Spanish Federation about Food and Drink Federation

FIAB was created in 1977 to represent – through one organization with a single voice– the Spanish food and drinks industry, the foremost industrial sector of the country and even international.

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

FDE - Belgium

FoodDrink Europe

FoodDrinkEurope wants to ensure: That the importance of the food and drink industry to the European economy is recognised; That the strength of the Single Market is increased, and fragmentation of… 

University of Hohenheim


FENACORE – Spanish Irrigation Consortium

Founded on 1955, FENACORE is a non-profit association, the Unique official representative of the irrigation of superficial and ground waters with political independence. Represents more than 80 %…

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

INFOR - Italy


INFOR ELEA is a consortium of 250 enterprises officially recognised as a training provider by local public authority Regione Piemonte. It’s a merger of two big training companies: INFOR established…

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

SEVT - Greece

Federation of Hellenic Food Industries

The Federation of Hellenic Food Industries represents the Greek Food & Drink Industry at national, European and international level. Membership is made up of food and drink companies and sector…

University of Hohenheim

LLL-P - Belgium

Lifelong Learning Platform

The Lifelong Learning Platform promotes a holistic vision to lifelong learning, from cradle to grave, by facilitating European-wide cross-sector cooperation among civil society organisations in the…

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

ANIA - France

Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires

ANIA gathers sectorial federations and regional associations. The mission is to represent, inform and support food companies in France in order to valorize their role and contribution to public…

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

PLANT ETP - Belgium

European Technology Platform “Plants for the Future”

Plant ETP integrates Industry, Farmers and Academia to promote the flow of innovation to the market. Supports development of a sustainable leadership of European Agriculture. Advocacy: developing…

University of Hohenheim

EFB - Greece

Engineering for Business

Engineers for business, technology and engineering services s.a., develops advanced and reliable ICT products, while providing top quality Support services for businesses, in the fields of Primary…

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

PA - Finland


ProAgria provides farm and agriculture entrepreneurs with services to enhance competitiveness in Finland and abroad. Development services for farms and rural businesses, SME’s; Services for new…

AGRAR Plus Beteiligungsges.m.b.H.

FJ-BLT - Austria

HBLFA Francisco Josephinum (FJ-BLT)

FJ-BLT is an Institution of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism. 800 Students in 4 Faculties: Agriculture; Agricultural Engineering, Food Technology and Biotechnology and Agriculture…

University of Hohenheim

EfVET - Belgium

European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Founded in 1991, in the Netherlands, as a response to the lack of voice felt by VET providers with the main purpose of building a network of practitioners VET institutions to secure a voice across…

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

Cepi - Belgium

Confederation of European Paper Industries

CEPI Represents in Brussels 500 pulp, paper and board producing companies, 895 mills across Europe, 180000 people employed directly, 18 member countries. Engaged in international fora (UN, FAO,…

University of Hohenheim

AGACA - Spain

Asociación Galega de Cooperativas Agroalimentarias

AGACA is a co-operative umbrella organisation that serves and promotes commercial agri-food co-operative businesses and enterprise across multiple sections of the economy in Galicia -North-western…