News & Events



The 4th FIELDS newsletter is out!

The 4th FIELDS newsletter is out, focus on on the Train-the-Trainer session and the 6th Project meeting. @EUErasmusPlus Read, download and shared it [button...

The 3rd FIELDS newsletter is out!

The 3rd FIELDS newsletter is out, focus on building up Occupational Profiles for future #Agrifood skills; European #Skills, #Competences, and #Occupations (#ESCO).  @EUErasmusPlus Read, download and shared it [button...

2nd Newsletter is in!

2nd Newsletter is in!

newThe 2nd FIELDS Newsletter is in! This issue is focussed in FIELDS participation in forums and meetings, highlighting our commitment with the Pact for Skills. Read online or download (English version)

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Dissemination aims to ensure to reach the largest possible target audience while advertising the project results Communication and dissemination campaigns will be developed and implemented to ensure broad awareness rising of the project outcomes to the target groups,...

Second scientific paper

Second scientific paper

Η πιο πρόσφατη εργασία μας με θέμα "Ανάγκες δεξιοτήτων για βιώσιμους τομείς γεωργίας-διατροφής και δασοκομίας" έχει κυκλοφορήσει και αποτελεί μέρος του ειδικού τεύχους του περιοδικού Sustainability με θέμα "Sustainable Food System in the European Union". Είναι το...

Second scientific paper

Second scientific paper

Our newest paper on "Skill Needs for Sustainable Agri-Food and Forestry Sectors” is out, and is part of the Sustainability journal special issue on "Sustainable Food System in the European Union".  It is the result of an online survey to assess the skills needs of...

First scientific paper online

First scientific paper online

Skill Needs for Sustainable Agri-Food and Forestry Sectors (I): Assessment through European and National Focus Groups Scientific paper focused on the national and European Focus groups analysis has been published in the Special issue "Sustainable Food System in the...



“Bioeconomy can be defined as those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials and energy” (EC 2020).For the future, Bioeconomy is expected to...



Electronics, automation technology and the connection of machines to the Internet have massively changed the possibilities in agricultural production. The digitalization of the economy is the side effect of the automation of serial operations in agriculture and the...



Sustainable agriculture is a global, dynamic process taking place in three dimensions (economic, environmental and social) and at five levels (field, farmstead, local community, national and international levels). The term sustainable agriculture was developed based...